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Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome) Part 1


Evan Matshes MD FRCPC, Medical Director & Chief Forensic Pathologist at NAAG Forensic PC, San Diego ,CA

This session is the first of a two part series covering Abusive Head Trauma (AHT), including Shaken Baby Syndrome— which most often involves shaking, blunt impact, or a combination of both in infants and young children, which can lead to neurological injury. Dr. Matshes is a Board Certified Anatomic and Forensic Pathologist and the Medical Director at NAAG Forensic PC. His presentation will cover topics such as the Historical Underpinnings of AHT (1968-1987), The Pediatric Forensic Autopsy, Clinical Markers Suggestive of AHT or Abuse and working with Experts in AHT or abuse cases.

The second part will be presented on April 24th, 2024 from 3:00-4:30PM EST will cover litigation strategies when dealing with an AHT or Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis.

February 28

Defense Team Toolkit

April 24

Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome) Part 2